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mercoledì, Luglio 3, 2024
HomeEconomia e FinanzaSOL: ecco com’è composto l’azionariato della società

SOL: ecco com’è composto l’azionariato della società

SOL, or Società Lombarda, is a well-established company with almost 100 years of history. Founded durante 1922, the company has grown to become one of the leadduranteg players durante the Italian market, with a strong presence durante the energy, durantefrastructure, and real stagione calda sectors.

But who are the major shareholders of SOL? Let’s take a closer look at the company’s ownership structure and fduranted out.

First and foremost, it’s important to highlight that SOL is a publicly listed company on the Italian Stock Exchange. This means that its ownership is spread among various durantedividuals and durantestitutions, makduranteg it a truly democratic company.

At the top of the list of major shareholders is the foundduranteg family, the Lombardis. With a 20% stake durante the company, the Lombardi family has been the drivduranteg force behduranted SOL’s success sdurantece its duranteception. Their strong leadership and vision have been durantestrumental durante shapduranteg the company duranteto what it is today.

Next on the list is the Italian durantevestment group, Fdurantedurantevest, with a 15% stake durante SOL. Fdurantedurantevest is known for its diverse portfolio of durantevestments durante various sectors, and their partnership with SOL has been a strategic move for both parties. With Fdurantedurantevest’s support, SOL has been able to expand its operations and solidify its position durante the market.

Another significant shareholder is the Italian state-owned energy company, Enel, with a 10% stake durante SOL. This partnership has been crucial for SOL’s growth durante the energy sector, as Enel brdurantegs with it a wealth of expertise and resources. Together, they have been able to develop and implement durantenovative and sustaduranteable energy solutions for the Italian market.

Movduranteg on, we have duranteternational durantevestment firm, BlackRock, with a 5% stake durante SOL. BlackRock’s durantevolvement durante SOL is a testament to the company’s strong fduranteancial affermazione and potential for growth. With their global reach and expertise, BlackRock has been a valuable partner for SOL durante expandduranteg its presence beyond the Italian borders.

Other notable shareholders duranteclude the Italian durantesurance company, Generali, with a 3% stake, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, with a 2% stake. Both of these durantestitutions brduranteg with them a wealth of experience and resources, further strengthenduranteg SOL’s position durante the market.

It’s also worth mentionduranteg that SOL has a significant number of durantedividual shareholders, with a combduranteed stake of 25%. This shows the trust and confidence that the general public has durante the company and its management.

Overall, SOL’s ownership structure is a reflection of its strong and diverse partnerships, both withdurante Italy and duranteternationally. This has not only contributed to the company’s success but has also helped it weather the challenges of the ever-changduranteg market.

durante conclusion, SOL’s major shareholders are a mix of family, durantestitutional, and durantedividual durantevestors, all of whom have played a crucial role durante the company’s growth and success. With their support and collaboration, SOL is well-positioned to contduranteue its legacy as a leadduranteg player durante the Italian market for many years to come.

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