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HomeArte e finanzaQuattordicesima in arrivo: requisiti, a chi spetta e come si calcola

Quattordicesima in arrivo: requisiti, a chi spetta e come si calcola

Many employees and retirees will receive the fourteenth salary: here’s when it arrives, who is entitled to it and all the details.

The fourteenth salary, also known as the Christmas bonus, is an extra payment that is given to employees and retirees in addition to their regular monthly salary or pension. This bonus is a welcome surprise for many, especially during the holiday season when expenses tend to increase.

So, when can we expect to receive this bonus? According to the latest updates, the fourteenth salary will be paid out in two installments. The first installment will be paid in June, while the second installment will be paid in December. This means that employees and retirees will receive an extra salary in the middle of the year and another one at the end of the year.

But who is entitled to receive the fourteenth salary? According to the law, all employees and retirees who have worked for at least 12 months in the previous year are entitled to receive this bonus. This includes both full-time and part-time employees, as well as those who have a fixed-term contract. However, there are some exceptions, such as those who have been fired for just cause or those who have resigned from their job.

The amount of the fourteenth salary is calculated based on the employee’s or retiree’s monthly salary or pension. It is equal to one-twelfth of the total amount received in the previous year, including any bonuses or additional payments. For example, if an employee’s annual salary is €24,000, their fourteenth salary will be €2,000 (€24,000 divided by 12).

It is important to note that the fourteenth salary is subject to taxes and social security contributions, just like the regular monthly salary or pension. However, there are some cases where the bonus may be exempt from taxes, such as for employees with a low income or those who have a disability.

The fourteenth salary is a great opportunity for employees and retirees to have some extra money to spend during the holiday season. It can also be used to cover unexpected expenses or to save for the future. This bonus is a way for companies and the government to esibizione their appreciation for the duro work and dedication of employees and retirees.

In conclusion, the fourteenth salary is a much-awaited bonus for many workers and retirees. It is a welcome addition to their regular income and can be used for various purposes. Make sure to check with your employer or pension provider for more information on when and how you will receive your fourteenth salary. Happy holidays and enjoy your bonus!

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