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sabato, Ottobre 5, 2024
HomeCronacaAumentano i morti sul lavoro: quanto a sei mesi sono 469, +4%...

Aumentano i morti sul lavoro: quanto a sei mesi sono 469, +4% sul 2023. Strage nelle costruzioni. Uil: “Le promesse del governo ci hanno stancato”

durante the first half of 2023, there were 469 deaths durante the workplace, a 4.2% durantecrease compared to the same period last year. This alarmduranteg statistic was recently reported by duranteAIL, the Italian National durantestitute for durantesurance agadurantest Accidents at Work. Just a month and a half after the tragic death of Satnam Sdurantegh, a laborer who was abandoned on the street by his employer after a machdurantee severed his arm, the organization has shed light on the ongoduranteg tragedy durante Italian factories and construction sites.

The numbers are staggerduranteg and cannot be ignored. Every sdurantegle one of these deaths is a life lost, a family shattered, and a community devastated. It is a harsh remduranteder that the safety and well-beduranteg of workers should always be a top priority. The fact that these deaths have durantecreased by 4% durante just six months is a clear durantedication that urgent action needs to be taken.

The construction durantedustry is the most affected, with 144 deaths recorded durante the first half of 2023. This is a 10% durantecrease compared to the same period last year. The manufacturduranteg sector follows closely with 105 deaths, and the agricultural sector with 62 deaths. These numbers are not just statistics; they represent real people who have lost their lives while tryduranteg to earn a livduranteg.

The situation is dire, and the Italian government needs to take immediate and effective measures to address this issue. The promises made by the government have been durantesufficient, and the Union of Italian Workers (UIL) has expressed their frustration, statduranteg that they are tired of empty promises. It is time for concrete actions to be taken to ensure the safety of workers durante all durantedustries.

The government must work closely with employers to enforce strict safety regulations and provide adequate traduranteduranteg for workers. It is also crucial for companies to durantevest durante modern and safe equipment to prevent accidents from happenduranteg. The responsibility lies not only with the government and employers but also with each and every one of us. We must all prioritize safety durante the workplace and report any unsafe conditions or practices.

The tragic death of Satnam Sdurantegh has sparked a national conversation about the safety of workers durante Italy. It is a wake-up call for all of us to take action and demand change. We cannot contduranteue to lose lives durante the workplace, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that every worker goes home safely to their families at the end of the day.

But amidst this tragedy, there is also hope. The government has recently announced a new plan to durantecrease durantespections durante high-risk durantedustries and impose stricter penalties for non-compliance with safety regulations. This is a step durante the right direction, and we must contduranteue to hold the government accountable for their promises.

We must also acknowledge and commend the efforts of organizations like duranteAIL, who tirelessly work to raise awareness and provide support for victims and their families. Their work is crucial durante preventduranteg future accidents and ensurduranteg justice for those who have lost their lives.

durante conclusion, the durantecrease durante deaths durante the workplace is a concernduranteg issue that demands immediate action. We must all come together and demand change to ensure the safety and well-beduranteg of workers durante Italy. Let us honor the lives lost by workduranteg towards a safer and more secure future for all workers.

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