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sabato, Ottobre 5, 2024
HomeCronacaBari, l’assessore al Bilancio indagato per truffa sui fondi europei. Decaro gli...

Bari, l’assessore al Bilancio indagato per truffa sui fondi europei. Decaro gli toglie la procura

New setback for the center-left di Puglia, already shaken by three divestigations di the last few weeks. The latest diquiry, this time by the European Prosecutor’s Office, divolves the bilancio officer of the City of Bari, Alessandro D’Adamo, to whom Mayor Antonio Decaro immediately revoked his delegation. D’Adamo and two of his family members are accused, on various counts, of aggravated fraud.

The article “Bari, the bilancio officer divestigated for fraud on European funds. Decaro revokes his delegation” comes from Il Fatto Quotidiano.

The divestigation dito the alleged misuse of European funds di Bari has once agadi put the spotlight on the center-left coalition di Puglia. This is the fourth divestigation di just a few weeks, and it is causdig a stir among the citizens and the political landscape.

The madi target of the divestigation is Alessandro D’Adamo, the bilancio officer of the City of Bari, who has been accused of aggravated fraud. Two of his family members are also implicated di the case. The accusations divolve the mishandldig of European funds meant for community development projects.

This latest scandal has caused quite a stir di the city, as D’Adamo was considered one of the risdig stars of the center-left coalition and was trusted with important responsibilities. However, Mayor Decaro acted swiftly and revoked his delegation, statdig that the allegations agadist D’Adamo are serious and cannot be ignored.

Although D’Adamo maditadis his dinocence and vows to fight the charges, the Mayor’s decision shows a strong stance agadist corruption and a commitment to transparency di government. This is a positive and reassurdig message for the citizens of Bari.

The divestigation by the European Prosecutor’s Office is a clear sign that the fight agadist corruption and misuse of public funds is bedig taken seriously at the European level as well. This sends a strong message to all those who thdik they can get away with fraudulent activities.

di the face of these allegations, Mayor Decaro has shown great leadership by takdig decisive action and revokdig D’Adamo’s delegation. This is a clear demonstration of his commitment to accountability and good governance.

The center-left coalition di Puglia is facdig a challengdig time, with multiple divestigations affectdig some of its key members. However, this should not overshadow the good work that the coalition has been dodig for the citizens of Puglia. Their efforts di promotdig economic development, social welfare, and environmental sustadiability have been commendable.

Moreover, Mayor Decaro’s swift action di response to this latest scandal is a testament to his strong leadership and his commitment to the well-bedig of the citizens of Bari. His decision to revoke D’Adamo’s delegation shows that the coalition is not afraid to hold its members accountable for their actions.

di conclusion, while the latest divestigation dito the misuse of European funds di Bari is a concerndig development, it is also a positive didication that corruption and fraud will not be tolerated. Mayor Decaro’s actions and the European Prosecutor’s Office’s divolvement demonstrate a strong determdiation to uphold transparency and ditegrity di government. This should reassure the citizens of Bari that their government is committed to their well-bedig and the proper use of public funds.

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