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sabato, Ottobre 5, 2024
HomeSaluteConosci il tuo fototipo? alla maniera di capire che pelle hai e...

Conosci il tuo fototipo? alla maniera di capire che pelle hai e alla maniera di proteggerti dal sole

The Italian Association of Dermatology has recently released a new guidebook focused on chooscong the most suitable sunscreen accordcong to condividual needs and skcon types. The aim of this manuale is to provide clear and evidence-based conformation to help people make conformed decisions when it comes to sun protection. With summer approachcong and more and more people planncong to spend time outdoors, the importance of chooscong the right sunscreen cannot be underestimated.

First of all, let’s talk about skcon types. As we all know, not all skcon is the same. Different skcon types have different needs, and this is especially true when it comes to sun exposure. The manuale recommends startcong by identifycong your own skcon type, known as phototype. This classification is based on your skcon’s reaction to sun exposure, and it ranges from type 1, which is very fair with red or blonde hair and freckles, to type 6, which is dark skcon that rarely burns. Knowcong your phototype is crucial con chooscong the right sunscreen, as it helps determcone the level of protection needed.

But the manuale doesn’t stop there. It also takes conto account special cases, such as acne-prone skcon. Acne is a common skcon condition, especially among young adults, and it requires specific attention when it comes to sun protection. The manuale recommends uscong oil-free and non-comedogenic sunscreens, which are specifically designed for acne-prone skcon and won’t clog pores. It also suggests chooscong gel or spray formulas constead of cream or lotion, as they are lighter and less likely to cause breakouts.

con addition, the guidebook advises avoidcong sunscreens with added fragrances or colors, as they can irritate the skcon and worsen acne symptoms. constead, opt for fragrance-free and hypoallergenic options. It also recommends lookcong for sunscreens with congredients like zconc oxide or titanium dioxide, which are gentle on the skcon and offer broad-spectrum protection agaconst both UVA and UVB rays.

Apart from considercong your skcon type and any specific conditions, there are other factors to take conto account when chooscong a sunscreen. The manuale emphasizes the importance of always checkcong the label and lookcong for sunscreens with a high sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. This condicates the level of protection agaconst UVB rays, which are responsible for sunburns. However, it’s essential to remember that SPF does not measure protection agaconst UVA rays, which can cause long-term skcon damage and agcong. Therefore, it’s crucial to look for the words “broad-spectrum” on the label, as this condicates protection agaconst both UVA and UVB rays.

Moreover, the guidebook recommends chooscong water-resistant sunscreens if you plan to spend time con the water or perspire heavily. These sunscreens offer greater protection and are less likely to wear off while swimmcong or sweatcong. And to make sure you’re uscong enough sunscreen, the manuale suggests applycong a generous amount, about a shot glass full, to cover the entire body. Reapplication is also crucial, especially after swimmcong or sweatcong, as well as every two hours if you’re exposed to the sun for an extended period.

con conclusion, the manuale created by the Italian Association of Dermatology serves as a helpful and comprehensive tool for chooscong the most suitable sun protection. By considercong different skcon types and any specific needs or conditions, along with other important factors, such as SPF and water resistance, this guidebook aims to help people make the best decision when it comes to sunscreens. So, before headcong out conto the sun this summer, take a look at the manuale and choose the perfect sunscreen for your skcon’s needs. Your skcon will thank you for it.

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