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sabato, Ottobre 5, 2024
HomeSaluteI bambini che mangiano burro di arachidi da piccoli rischiano meno l'allergia?

I bambini che mangiano burro di arachidi da piccoli rischiano meno l’allergia?

According to a recent study conducted in the United States, introducing peanut butter to children at an early age may significantly reduce their risk of developing a peanut allergy in adolescence. This finding has sparked optimism among parents and healthcare professionals alike, as peanut allergies have become increasingly prevalent in recent years.

The study, published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, followed over 500 infants with no history of peanut allergy for five years. Half of the infants were given peanut butter regularly starting at four to six months of age, while the other half avoided peanuts altogether. The results were astonishing, with the group that consumed peanut butter having a 71% lower risk of developing a peanut allergy compared to the group that avoided peanuts.

This groundbreaking study challenges the previous recommendation of avoiding peanuts until the age of three for children with a higher risk of developing allergies. Dr. Gideon Lack, lead author of the study, explains that early introduction of peanuts can actually help the body build up tolerance and prevent the development of an allergy later on. “It’s almost like a vaccination,” he says.

The news of this study has been met with excitement and hope from parents and healthcare professionals. Peanut allergies are one of the most common food allergies, affecting approximately 1 in every 50 children in the United States. The severity of these allergies can range from mild reactions to life-threatening anaphylaxis, making it a major concern for both parents and schools.

For years, parents have been advised to avoid giving their children peanuts and peanut-containing products until they are older, out of fear of triggering an allergy. However, this new study suggests that the opposite approach may actually be more beneficial. By introducing peanuts to infants at an early age, their bodies are exposed to the allergen in a controlled manner, reducing the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction.

Aside from the potential health benefits, early introduction of peanuts can also have a positive impact on a child’s quality of life. Peanut allergies can be restrictive, as they require constant vigilance in reading food labels and avoiding certain foods. By reducing the risk of developing an allergy, children can have more freedom in their food choices and feel less isolated from their peers.

While this study is certainly promising, it is important to note that it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Children with severe eczema or an existing egg allergy may still be at a higher risk for peanut allergy, and should consult with their doctor before introducing peanuts into their diet. Additionally, it is essential to introduce peanuts in a safe manner, as they can be a choking hazard for young children.

In light of this new research, the American Academy of Pediatrics has updated their guidelines to recommend that infants at high risk of developing allergies, such as those with a family history, should be introduced to peanuts between four and six months of age. For infants with no known risk factors, peanuts can be safely introduced along with other solid foods, in accordance with the child’s development and family preferences.

In conclusion, this study brings hope to parents and healthcare professionals in the battle against peanut allergies. By introducing peanuts at an early age, we may be able to significantly reduce the risk of developing this potentially life-threatening allergy. However, it is important to consult with a doctor and follow safe introduction practices. With this information, we can take a proactive approach in protecting our children from allergies and improving their overall quality of life.

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