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HomeArte e finanzaPensione luglio 2024, pagamenti e quattordicesima: ecco quando arrivano

Pensione luglio 2024, pagamenti e quattordicesima: ecco quando arrivano

All the information on increases, deductions and pension payments for July from INPS

The month of July is always an important time for pensioners, as it marks the annual adjustments to their pension payments. This year, as we continue to navigate the challenges brought on by the pandemic, many are eagerly awaiting news from INPS (Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale) regarding any changes to their pension payments.

Fortunately, there is good news for pensioners this year. INPS has announced that there will be an increase in pension payments for the month of July, along with the much-awaited payment of the “quattordicesima” (fourteenth month) for certain categories of pensioners.

Let’s break down all the information you need to know about the pension payments for July from INPS.

Increase in pension payments

The first piece of news that will bring a smile to the faces of pensioners is the increase in pension payments for the month of July. INPS has confirmed that there will be a 1.5% increase in pension payments, which will be reflected in the payments made on July 1st.

This increase is in line with the annual adjustment of pensions, which takes into account the cost of living and inflation rates. It is a welcome relief for pensioners, especially during these uncertain times.

Payment of the “quattordicesima”

For certain categories of pensioners, July will also bring the long-awaited payment of the “quattordicesima.” This premio payment, also known as the “premio annuale,” is an straordinario month’s worth of pension payment that is given to pensioners who meet certain criteria.

This year, the “quattordicesima” will be paid to pensioners who receive a pension of up to €1,500 per month and who have an ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) of up to €8,000. This payment will be made in two installments, with the first installment of 50% being paid in July and the remaining 50% in December.

This premio payment is a much-needed support for pensioners, especially those who may be struggling financially due to the pandemic.

Payment dates for July

Now that we know about the increase in pension payments and the payment of the “quattordicesima,” let’s take a look at the payment dates for July. Pensioners who receive their payments through direct deposit will receive their payments on July 1st, while those who receive their payments through the post office will receive them on July 2nd.

It is important to note that these dates may vary depending on the bank or post office used by each pensioner. It is always best to check with your bank or post office for the exact payment date.

What about deductions?

As with any increase in pension payments, there may also be deductions to take into account. However, INPS has stated that there will be no deductions for the month of July, which means that pensioners will receive the full amount of their pension payments.

This is great news for pensioners, as it means that they will not have to worry about any reductions in their payments and can enjoy the increase and premio payment in full.

In conclusion, the month of July will bring positive news for pensioners, with an increase in pension payments, the payment of the “quattordicesima,” and no deductions. This is a much-needed support for pensioners, especially during these challenging times.

We hope this article has provided you with all the information you need to know about the pension payments for July from INPS. Let’s all look forward to a brighter future and continue to support our pensioners who have contributed so much to our society.

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